The Dictionary Of Hurricane Sandy: Landfall
Hurricane Sandy: 10:16 a.m. MondayWunderground.comLandfallNoun. Pronunciation: [ˈlæn(d)-ˌfɔl]Landfall is a simple but misleading term. The proper definition, for a tropical or subtropical storm like...
View ArticleThe Dictionary of Hurricane Sandy: Spring Tide
Hey Moon: Stop Helping Hurricanes!NASA/KennedySpring tide[ˈsprɪŋ ˈtaɪd] Most coastlines on Earth experience two low tides and two high tides every day, as the enormous mass of water is tugged upon by...
View ArticleThe Dictionary Of Hurricane Sandy: Baroclinic Energy
Hurricane Sandy: 10:16 a.m. MondayWunderground.comBaroclinic EnergyNoun. Pronunciation: [bar-uh-klin-ik]One of the most striking features of Sandy is its source of energy. Most tropical cyclones get...
View ArticleThe Dictionary of Hurricane Sandy: Storm Surge
Storm Surge Versus Storm TideNOAAStorm Surge[ˈstȯrm ˈsərj] During a hurricane, a storm surge is usually the greatest threat to life and property. The disaster associated with Hurricane Katrina, as most...
View ArticleThe Dictionary Of Hurricane Sandy: Wind Shear
Wilma's Wind Shear, October 2005Wunderground.comA wind shear plot of Hurricane Wilma.Wind Shear_ [ˈwɪnd ʃɪər]_Wind shear usually comes up when you talk about how a hurricane weakens. The term refers to...
View ArticleNews Writers: Stop Trying To Scare People With Made-Up Storm Language
Superstorm?Robert Simmon with data courtesy of the NASA/NOAA GOES Project Science teamSuperstorm[suːpər ˈstɔrm]Here is a short list of major news organizations referring to Sandy as a "superstorm": The...
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